Psychotherapy and Parenting Consultation
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Flexible online, phone, and walk-and-talk appointment options are available for your comfort and convenience.


Online or phone appointments allow you to engage in session from the comfort of your home.


We meet outside and walk for session. A simple alternative to the traditional office session, many clients find it more comfortable to walk alongside each other than to sit face-to-face.

What about bad weather?

Not a problem. If you would like to walk and talk, a warm coat or umbrella works just fine! As Alfred Wainwright said, “There's no such thing as bad weather, just unsuitable clothing.”

Is this a workout?

No. This is slow or moderate walking - not a workout, not fast walking. There is nothing physically strenuous about the session.

What are the benefits of walk and talk therapy?

Gentle bilateral movement in a natural outdoor setting - a literal walk in the park - produces physiological and psychological relaxation, reduces stress, and promotes feelings of well being.
For people who feel stuck, walk-and-talk sessions can facilitate forward movement and momentum and the ability to see new perspectives.